JUJU L Designer
Flour Package
Personal Project_ 48-hour contest
Halmoni’s Measure: Flour, solves the shortcomings present in the current way of packaging flour. The small measure is an ideal size for the modern consumer, targeting the consumer that is not planning to bake in large quantities as well as the consumer who bakes small batches frequently. The package is made of recycled post-consumer paper product and wax paper. The pyramidal shape of the package works to control the flow of the flour once the tip is cut or torn along the guide lines at the top of the packaging. Typically flour comes in 18 cup bags which may be cumbersome for the individual to carry or store in smaller living situations such as apartments or dorms. Additionally the nature of these 18 cups bags are messy and prone to spills both while moving, opening, and closing the bag as well as while scooping flour out of the bag. To prevent these inconveniences we created Halmoni's Measure. Halmoni is the Korean word for grandmother. The design concept behind Halmoni’s Measure was to take our grandmother’s wisdom of measuring by heart and eye rather than with measuring cups and making it available to the next generation; those whom likely don't have the same wisdom and experience. The packaging contains two cups of flour which can be used to make one cake, twenty-four cookies, or twelve muffins. Two cups of flour along with one cup are the most common measurements of flour used when baking. The package allows the consumer to measure out one cup by eyeing it out using the wax paper window on the package and the accompanying guidelines. The consumer can choose to either use the whole package at once or half of the package, saving the other half for the near future. With one cup the consumer can make six muffins and twelve cookies. In order to use Halmoni’s Measure you must first tear or cut the apex of the pyramidal shape along the dotted line. Then flip the package upside down and lightly and repeatedly squeeze until the flour either matches up with the provided guidelines through the wax viewport, effectively emptying a full cup, or continue until the package is completely empty. If you choose to only use one cup you can easily remove the logo sticker and use it the re-pinch the top of the bag closed. When you need to use the last cup you simply tear or cut the packaging just below the sticker.